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2025 Coaching Supervision Learning Group

About this event

2025 Coaching Supervision Learning Group

Dates: 3rd Tuesday of the month
(January - June, September - November)

Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm MT

Location: Zoom


Minimum: 8; Maximum: None


Coaching Supervision is a collaborative space of support, self-discovery and professional development for coaches, which consists of reflecting together on various topics of our coaching practice. You will be invited to share your challenges in a safe environment on your journey to becoming masterful in the way you work with your clients.


Group supervision allows each participant to learn from both reflecting on their own case and hearing and reflecting on the case reviews of other group members. This leads to enhanced professional and personal development.

Supervision differs from Mentor Coaching. Our dialogue on your coaching work will focus on moving beyond the technical skills of coaching into bringing your whole self into each coaching session.

The ICF acknowledges that this important work benefits both coaches and clients and will qualify for core competency credit. It is important for coaches at all levels and will be especially helpful for coaches who are just beginning their coaching journeys.


Key Learning Points, Outcomes and Benefits for Participants:
Coaching Supervision may lead to any or all of the following:

Exploring the coach’s internal process through reflective practice

Getting multiple perspectives on a challenging case

Developing an alternative approach for the case

Recognizing psychological contacts, both implicit and explicit beyond the specific coaching agreement.

Uncovering blind spots

Recognizing potential ethical issues

Experiential Learning:

  • Discuss challenging coaching issues and practice exploring possible options for increasing the depth and effectiveness of any coaching experience.
  • Use a dialogue process, receive and share observations with other professionals.
  • Expand self-reflection skills that lead to self-discovery.


Laurie-Weiss-LG-150x150.pngLaurie Weiss, PhD, MCC has 50+ years of experience as a teacher, psychotherapist, management consultant, coach, and author. She is the author or 13 self-help books and a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst as well as a Logosynthesis Master Practitioner, Trainer, and Supervisor.


Lynn-Winterboer-headshot-150x150.pngLynn Winterboer provides leadership coaching to employees participating in Cigna’s leadership development programs as a part of her full-time employment with Cigna Healthcare. Outside of that work, Lynn is an identity and enablement coach for widows. Lynn's strong relationships with her mother and both grandmothers (all of whom have/had fulfilling lives after their husbands passed away) led her to want to use her coaching talents to support people who have lost their life partners.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Event Contact(s)

Laurie Weiss

Lynn Winterboer


Learning Groups

Registration Info

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